Conference (2024)

04.24 (Wed.) - 26 (Fri.)
Tokyo Big Sight

What’s new 

Space x Agriculture

Mr. Shunsuke Tsuboi

Sagri Co., Ltd. Representative Director, CEO


Space x Digital Twin

Mr. Atsushi Otake 

NTT Data Corporation
Special Innovation Division 
Digital Service Management Department Service Planning Manager 

The Potential of Satellite Constellations

Mr. Hiroaki Miyoshi 

NEC Corporation 
NEC Fellow of the Aerospace Domain 

Utilization of Earth Observation Satellites

Mr. Yu Okuizumi

Satellite Business Division Business Promotion Department General Manager 

Cutting-edge Technologies Expanding Space Utilization

Mr. Fumiharu Namiki

IHI Aerospace Co., Ltd.



The Future of Satellite Communications 

Mr. Atsushi Matsugaya

General Manager, Beyond 5G Strategy Office, Technology Strategy & Planning Division, Technology Sector 


Customer-Centric Access to Space

Mr. Iwao Igarashi

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Space Systems, Integrated Defence & Space Systems


Space x Fishery Industry 

Mr. Sei-ichi Saitoh

Green & Life Innovation, Inc.
Research and Development Fellow 


Over 60 conferences directly related to the space business! 

We offer numerous topics that will provide insights into the "current" and "future" of the space business. 
Many companies and experts engaged in business at the forefront of the space industry will be speaking. 
No pre-registration is required. Please come directly to the venue. The majority of these conferences are planned to be conducted in Japanese.

Future State of Space Business

Technology Development

Satellites &


Satellite Data



Space x

Space x Primary

Space x Local


Human Resource

Break down language barriers through interpretation services available onsite 

Unlock seamless connections with fellow international attendees through our expert third-party interpretation services. The interpreters are skilled in English, Chinese, Korean, and various other Asian languages, ensuring you achieve clear communication throughout your visit. 
* Please note that you need to secure interpretation services before the event.



Satellite Constellation

The Value and Challenges Brought by Satellite Constellations 

NEC Corporation
NEC Fellow of the Aerospace Domain 

Mr. Hiroaki Miyoshi


Satellite Data Utilization

"Don’t stop society. Don’t stop life.” - From Space  ~ Wide-Area Monitoring with Satellite SAR ~

NEC Corporation 
Aerospace Business Division Aerospace Solutions Department Solution Business Group Senior Professional 

Mr. Takakazu Ishii 


Technological Development

From Competition in Space Development to Market Activities  ~ Advancements in Space Utilization through Private Sector Technological Development ~ 

IHI Aerospace CO.,Ltd. 

Mr. Fumiharu Namiki 


Technological Development

Customer-Centric Access to Space

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Defense & Space Sector 
Space Systems Division, Deputy Division Director  
Professional Engineer (Aerospace Division) 

Mr. Iwao Igarashi 


Satellite Communication

The Past and Future of Satellite Services at KDDI 

General Manager 
Beyond 5G Strategy Office 
Technology Strategy & Planning Division 
Technology Sector 

Mr. Atsushi Matsugatani


Satellite Data Utilization

Digital Twin from Space: Exploration of Satellite 3D Technology and Future Prospects 

NTT DATA Corporation 
Special Innovation Division  
Digital Service Management Department  
Service Planning Manager 

Mr. Atsushi Otake 

Conference Room B

April 24 (Wednesday) 11:45-12:45 

The Value and Challenges Brought by Satellite Constellations 

NEC Corporation 
NEC Fellow of the Aerospace Domain 

Mr. Hiroaki Miyoshi 

Conference Room B 

April 24 (Wednesday) 11:45-12:45 

“We will not stop society. We will not stop life. From Space”   ~ Wide-Area Monitoring with Satellite SAR ~

NEC Corporation 
Aerospace Business Division Aerospace Solutions Department Solution Business Group
Senior Professional
Mr. Takakazu Ishii 

Conference Room A 

April 25 (Thursday) 13:30-14:15 

The Past and Future of Satellite Services at KDDI 

KDDI Corporation
Technology Planning and Management
Beyond 5G Strategy Division Director 

Mr. Atsushi Matsugaya 

Conference Room A 

April 25 (Thursday) 14:45~15:45 

Customer-Centric Access to Space 

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.  
Defense & Space Sector  
Space Systems Division, Deputy Division Director  
Professional Engineer (Aerospace Division) 
Mr. Iwao Igarashi 

Conference Room A 

April 25 (Thursday) 14:45-15:45 

From Competition in Space Development to Market Activities  ~ Advancements in Space Utilization through Private Sector Technological Development ~

IHI Aerospace Corporation 
President and Representative Director 

Mr. Fumiharu Namiki

Development and Infrastructure support 

Conference Room D 

April 24 (Wednesday) 13:30-14:00 

Introduction of CAE Software with Achievements in the Aerospace Field 

NST Co., Ltd. 
Technical Department
Mr. Teppei Kaneko 

Conference Room D 

April 25 (Thursday) 14:00-14:30 

Thermal Analysis of CubeSat Using COMSOL Multiphysics® 

Managing Director 

Mr. Yosuke Mizuyama 

Conference Room C 

April 26 (Friday) 11:30~12:00 

Deployable pulse laser offered by Oxide

Oxide Corporation Research Advisor Ph.D. (Engineering) 

Mr. Shinichi Imai 

Satellite Data and Space Utilization 

Conference Room A 

April 24 (Wednesday) 10:30-11:15 

The Future Outlook of Earth Observation Satellite Utilization in Civil Applications 

Pasco Corporation Satellite Business Division, Business Promotion Division Director 

Mr. Yu Okuizumi

Conference Room D 

April 24 (Wednesday) 11:30~12:00 

Digital Twin from Space: Exploration and Future Prospects of Satellite 3D Technology 

NTT DATA Corporation Special Innovation Division  
Digital Service Management Department,Service Planning Manager 

Mr. Atsushi Otake

Conference Room D 

April 24 (Wednesday) 15:30-16:00 

Introduction to Earth Observation Business and the Future Enabled by Free-Space Optical Communication 

WarpSpace Corporation
President and CEO 

Mr. Hiromitsu Azuma 

Conference Room C 

April 26 (Friday) 13:30-14:00 

Look Up at the "Space" (Sky) and Think of Your Loved Ones  BECOME THE STAR THAT YOU ARE

SPACE NTK Corporation 
Representative Director 

Ms. Tomoko Kasai

Conference Room D 

April 26 (Friday) 14:00-14:30 

Introduction to Business Models Utilizing Satellite Data ~ Challenges and Future Prospects 

Elspina Veinz Inc. 
Data Science Engineer 

Mr. Tatsuyuki Sekine 

Conference Room D 

April 25 (Thursday) 11:00~11:30 

"Anti-Predator-style" Space Business Strategy = Dreams/Ideals < Lancaster 

AnPrenergy Co., Ltd. 
President and Administrative Scrivener 

Mr. Takashi Muraya 

Space x Marketing 

Conference Room A 

April 24 (Wednesday) 11:45~12:45 

To be announced 

Dentsu Inc. 
Radio and Television Business Produce Division 
Director of TV Market Development 
AI Business Planner 

Mr. Wataru Kishimoto

Space Shift Corporation 
President and CEO 

Mr. Naruo Kanemoto

Space x Primary Industry 

Conference Room A 

April 25 (Thursday) 12:00~13:00 

Utilizing Satellite Data and AI to visualize farmland, aiming for the sustainable development of agriculture and contribution to a decarbonized society 

Sagri Co., Ltd. 
Representative Director, CEO 


Mr. Shunsuke Tsuboi 

Conference Room A 

April 25 (Thursday) 12:00~13:00 

Space x Fishing Industry: Development and Promotion of a System to Achieve Smart Fisheries Using Satellite Remote Sensing 

Green & Life Innovation Co., Ltd.  
Research and Development Fellow 
Doctor of Fisheries Science, Professional Engineer (Applied Science) 

Mr. Sei-ichi Saitoh 

Space x Local Government 

Conference Room A 

April 26 (Friday) 11:30 - 13:00 

Envisioning the Future of Localities in Space: Initiatives and Prospects of Local Governments in Space Business 

Oita Prefecture
Mr. Noriyuki Eto 

Daiki Town 
Mr. Hiroya Suga 

Tottori Prefecture 
Mr. Hiroyuki Ida 

Toyohashi City 
Mr. Takahiro Fukui